sleepy…couldn’t sleep last night
it was so damn windy last night….i kept thinking there was a kitty meowing for help, in my backyard. plus, somehow, my bathroom light turned on…..i hope that was me, absent-mindingly flipping switches. argh. the house makes so many noises when i’m by myself.
so, i’m sleepy.
and sad.
i thought i was ready to go back to the rsf. i really want to get back to hankido. but yesterday, i parked in the stiles lot and i was about to get out, to pay my summer fees. i couldn’t do it. i was paralyzed. i had a nervous break down, it felt like one. couldn’t breathe, think, and i certainly didn’t want to try driving in that condition. i was terrified of running into that asshole. i thought i was better. i thought i was normal. guess not. i’m just a sad sack of shit, pathetic and pointless. i’m not doing well. i thought i was getting my life back and i so badly want my hankido workouts. but i would have broken down more, if i forced myself to face the rsf. i was crying so hard and so loud that it was difficult to breathe. i tried calling mark, but he’s away on a business trip……all they way out in frickin’ texas……..i called him at a bar…..didn’t want to bother him. i tried wes, but he wasn’t answering his phone. then i tried betina. she called me back, after my first attempt. thank god.
i’m such a mess….even drinking a glass of wine couldn’t relax me.
Thanks for the comments on Sorry you’re so down, being human can really suck sometimes. Perhaps, because of your martial arts training you can relate – when I get down I turn Buddhism or the Tao – both completely about how to deal with pointlessness. 🙂 Try reading the Tao of Pooh – it always helps me get back on track.
Also – on the South thing – having traveled the entire US with long hair, grateful dead stickers and an old VW camper I can relate to your fear of the south. My girlfriend and I took off all our pro-choice stickers before venturing into the swampy domain of the hill billy and were really scared by the huge KKK sign we saw when we first crossed the mason-dixon line that said “We’re back and we’re #1” accompanied by a hanging black manaquin. They’re really not that bad though – all bark and no bite (spent over a year down there living in a hang glider landing field in N. Georgia near Chattanuga [sp?]). Sure – there are a lot of REALLY ignorant people down there – but it’s really no different from anywhere else. I figured out you’re not white from your blog but couldn’t figure out what you were (assuming black). I’d actually think you’d be more comfortable in the south as a black person… the KKK freaks are a definite very small minority (but they’re very vocal – just like all nut cases). I remember how scared I was the first time I had to walk through Oakland at night to get to a friends house (I’m white)… but it was just hype – people are people – very, very few care enough to get in your face simply because of race … or at least that’s been my experience traveling the world for the past 10 years. People are seldom scary/dangerous on an individual scale – it’s just when they group together that they really suck – so just avoid the KKK rally’s and you’ll be fine. 🙂