unlike my other weekends – i’m spending most of it at home. in the bay area. not driving 2-4 hours out of my way and racing to an event. it feels great. sleeping as long as i want. reading in bed, instead of getting up – no pressure to finish projects, updating blog. relaxing. what the hell does that mean?
(defn from m-w.com)
Main Entry: re·lax
Pronunciation: ri-‘laks
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin relaxare, from re- + laxare to loosen, from laxus loose — more at SLACK
Date: 15th century
transitive senses
1 : to make less tense or rigid : SLACKEN
2 : to make less severe or stringent : MODIFY
3 : to make soft or enervated
4 : to relieve from nervous tension
intransitive senses
1 : to become lax, weak, or loose : REST
2 : to become less intense or severe
so relaxing for me entails shopping…at Frys – I needed a new laptop bag for my hand-me down laptop, from work. i talked myself out of buying a usb memory key chain and another external hard drive for my imac. i figured, with the 128 MB card in my camera, that should be enough for transfering any big files from my pc or my imac, to anywhere else. so screw that. no more spending for queenkv! it doesn’t sound relaxing, but i do like to window shop.
today, mark and i headed over to crockett for the lunch-brunch special at the dead fish. yummy. then we ended up at muir woods – walking for a bit. mark estimates that we walked about 4 miles, round trip, today. some folks didn’t make it out of the woods in one piece….i saw a park ranger hunched down next to a lexus car. inside, a girl had her ankle propped up and iced. i guess he was taking down a report for liablity’s sake. too many damn families in the wood, but it’s their prerogative. i guess. we found a few trails in which the baby strollers couldn’t follow us. they were unpaved. i have some neat pix from it all…..too damn lazy to bring over the usb cable. maybe tomorrow. it was soothing in the forrest. i suppose for the trees, all the visitors hiking back and forth are nothing more than ants, in a blink of an eye. since some redwoods are totally old, like really really ancient, well – human tourists probably don’t register as much in their memories. they’ve seen a lot more shit happen in those woods. yeah. something like that.
later, we chilled in a mill valley cafe – mark finished up his phillip k. dick book. i dove into the memoirs of a shy pornographer, by kenneth patchen (first published in 1945). i think mr. budd was retarded – but enlightened. still, it was engrossing and trippy – especially on whatever injection trip mr budd takes us on. when we were down at the Midnight Special Bookstore on 4th street, in Santa Monica, Mark encouraged me to pick up the book – based on the title alone.