yeah…..had a shitty day – but this made up for it. we had a hankido demo at unit 3 – priestly hall, last night, during their hall association meeting. gosh, that brought back memories…..i was once pretty active in hall ass. krishna, the residential director, is still at unit 3 – heck he was their eight years ago, when i was a freshman. he still remembers me, when i was with wes, and when i was in RHA.
the demo was a blast. we did follow a demo by the health workers of that hall: how to put a condom on….they used a yellow banana and a blue condom. go bears! i was blushing.
it was a short demo, but i had a lot of adrenaline pumping through me – so i think that kept me warm enough for the rolls and falls. I got to do a four corners demo….mark said some folks looked surprised that i could take the other guys down. hien was amazing, though – dr. link demo-ed how hankido could be applied to someone in street clothes. hien was the attacker and the unfortunated victim who demo-ed all of dr. link’s moves on nothing but hard carpet. ouch.
staying focused – working hard – doing my best – excellent ways to put me in a better mood that evening….to stop me from feeling so damn defeated. i’m grateful i have hankido back in my life. yeah. my job sucks and customers tend to treat the IT folks like sub-human, indentured servants. but on the mats, i can go beyond my body and beyond my mental and physical barriers. i can take challenges in a positive enviroment and discover my will to overcome those barriers. hankido is satisfying: emotionally and physically.