it was the first time i ever had to wait in line to vote. i suppose that’s evidence of the high voter turn-out – yesterday.
hmmm…wes is using my chicken adobe recipe on his new girlfriend. i feel funny about it. maybe it’s because i’m not eating enough lately….maybe it’s because it’s a family meal……even though it’s unreasonable – it feels like a steppin’ on my territory…..argh….it’s totally unreasonable and all in my mind.
it’s MY recipe.
or maybe i just still feel funny about her….the whole, not being single thing, kinda gets me…..and wes expects me to be cool about it because i cheated on him……yeah… i’m suppose to give him my blessing for assisting with breaking of vows under God. uh-huh….something like that.
feels wierd.
it’s still MY recipe.
besides…wouldn’t she feel odd, eating something that his ex-girlfriend once made for him?