but i think she was lying. we did some groundwork in hankido – wrestling stuff…..the last five minutes was a free-for-all….if you could get one person to tap out – then you can go 2-on-1 on the other team….nobody tapped out. the girl i wrestled with claimed she had cut her nails. now i’m sitting here, back at work, with some serious skin hanging out…..bullshit. i kinda hate it when people feel like they can fight with their nails. doesn’t matter. i managed to her in a nice hold – my thights wrapped tightly around her head…..her glasses popped off.
a few guys tried to muscle me down – yeah – they’re bigger than me – but i had experience. that gave me a bit of an edge and kept my shoulders from getting pinned. i was nervous wrestling members of the opposite sex – i wasn’t sure if i was going to freak out again.
but this was way different from April. this time, i had my adrenaline pumping and i was given permission to take these guys down. some of them, came away gallantly – complimenting me on fighting well……i suppose they were surprised they couldn’t use their brawn to smack me down….i suppose it doesn’t matter – we only had about 10 seconds to pin somebody….thankfully – i didn’t get matched up with a black belt until much much later……10 seconds goes by so quickly when you’re wrestling. but one minute lasts a lifetime…..especially when you can’t breathe as your head is locked between my thighs…..
speaking of bruises…..the Dean of our Business School showed up to our town hall meeting with a black eye…..yeah….he did….he gave three options as two what happened:
- undergraduates. period.
- WWF – they do have masked fighters
- the Durant Hotel does not secure the the scrolling platform for the TV – so when one rolls out…..
he’s a funny guy….very political….i guess that comes from being a former Stanford Law Professor and a former US Representative.
oh yeah….my back feels really really tight right now…..owie.