Whil Wheaton claims he had writer’s block.
Uh…no…..he doesn’t. He got more than a pint out of his little detour into Hooters – he found so many little things to magnify on and turn into a random story of his own. If this is what he calls “writer’s block” – well….then I’m screwed. Obviously – I don’t have any talent to be a writer….because I don’t think I have any creative insight to turn those blocks into something interesting to read…..
damn it.
yeah…I know I still have my stories to tell.
it still hurts to write. but now, i’m trying something new. i’m trying to face the pain, instead of hiding from it. before this month – i had an escape hatch – everytime i started dwelling on those bad memories, that trauma, i could do a number of thing to distract myself – go shopping, read a stupid romance novel, drink myself into a daze. i knew that wasn’t going to help in the long run – but heck, it was one way of coping. now, i’m trying to lay off the booze and shopping. i’m trying to deal with these memories – without numbing myself to the pain. it’s damn hard – especially when there are things that happen in my life – that remind me of being taken advantage off…..of being violated.
i know the more i write – either in my blog or in my journal – i open myself up more to what’s going on in this world. i don’t think i can write and keep myself wrapped up and closed off. it doesn’t work like that – not for me.
i think about my family – i want to write about their experiences from world war 2 and from their journey to this country and to this new way of life.
there’s a lot I want to write about….but i’m afraid, i may have to keep writing about what happened to me. back in april. to get it out of my system. to free my mind for all the other stories i want to explore.