waiting to become champions…
as skaters, we hanged out together, after practice – we practiced all morning – i were training in Torreance – then my parents and Michelle and Karen’s parents – loaded us up in the car to have a blast at Disneyland….
as skaters – we did a lot of waiting…..
we waited for our name to be called – to take the ice, during competition….
we waited for our warm-up group to take the ice…..
off the ice, we stretched and waited…..mentally went through our routines, listened to our coaches…..ignored the applause for the girl ahead of you…..
we waited for our friends to take the ice – to cheer and hype up their grand entrance…..
we waited on the ice….trying to still those nerves…trying to breathe…..and some of us – trying to pray…..
we waited for the music….for those first few beats to crash through the silence between the cheering, the judges’ scrutiny, and that first double axel…..we tried to focus…..tried to stop the shivering…..tried to look strong and to be beautiful….
……heck….this was way back when I was in eighth grade or something like that…..um….1991….yah…..before Michelle Kwan hit the Olympics…..that’s her, in the middle….the short Asian girl with long hair….
for this day…..we were just waiting to take this shot and get back on the rides…..
Inspiration: This week’s theme was sent in by Joel Schilling of
http://www.jbschilling.com/foto.html. He suggested, “waiting for the
train, bus, plane, etc….that special event–wedding, birth,
graduation, etc….for change–the sun to shine, the rain to stop, the
light to turn green, etc.” Show us what you’re waiting for.
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Thursday post for this week at http://themethursday.com after the form
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