~I suppose those bears are over 21, drinking wine and all, or is the drinking age slightly lower in the U.K.?~
Hey, that’s a good question. Just how old are the bears, huh? I at least know that Hello Kitty is 30 this month. I’d hate for Kitty-chan to be a bad influence on the bears if they not of age…
the drinking age is 18 in London….so yeah, you’re saddling up to the bar with youngsters.
as for the bears’ ages – andre is 6 years old in toy bear years, which makes him about 25 in human years…and louie is about 2 years old in toy bear years, which makes him about 18 in human years.
What kinda of goofy age scale is that? It makes absolutely no linear sense whatsoever … maybe it’s some sort of logarithmic scale I don’t know about … leave it to Kris to think of something that geeky …
~I suppose those bears are over 21, drinking wine and all, or is the drinking age slightly lower in the U.K.?~
Hey, that’s a good question. Just how old are the bears, huh? I at least know that Hello Kitty is 30 this month. I’d hate for Kitty-chan to be a bad influence on the bears if they not of age…
the drinking age is 18 in London….so yeah, you’re saddling up to the bar with youngsters.
as for the bears’ ages – andre is 6 years old in toy bear years, which makes him about 25 in human years…and louie is about 2 years old in toy bear years, which makes him about 18 in human years.
What kinda of goofy age scale is that? It makes absolutely no linear sense whatsoever … maybe it’s some sort of logarithmic scale I don’t know about … leave it to Kris to think of something that geeky …