finished up typing up a report of sorts for our congressional hunt assignment…every monday morning – we have a seminar about the government….
for the assignment – we were paired up and told to report back on something from the federal alphabet soup….I got GAO and CBO. My partner wanted GAO. So on Friday, I took the blue line down to Federal Center, SW – and walked into the Ford Building. The Congressional Budget Office is on the 4th floor. I’m pretty sure anybody could go up there. But I had my press id, just in case. On the 4th floor – there are these wooden shelves with reports on anything from defense spending to social security.
I also wanted a copy of the Budget outlook that was released last week. One staff member, who was out on a smoking break – pointed us in the right direction. He said you could smoke in the cafeteria….but that was a little weird to him…
past midnight and past my bedtime.