Finished interview a Senator and a Congressman. Edited the video. Watched the Avid machine f-up. Dubbed the tape to Beta SP. Called my station. Ran to the Metro stop. Hopped on the train. Prayed a “Hail Mary” for the trip to last 2 minutes. Thought the feed deadline was 5:00. Ran to CBS. Called up the Feed people. Left the tape. Took Metro back to the newsroom. Called Mark. Bought lunch at 5:30. Got back to the newsroom….
And found out the feed lasts until 5:30. Found out that I didn’t have to run.
I’m drained.
Should be happy with my work. Also got my interview posted online.
My professor said it looked good.
i should go home. i exhausted. don’t want to go home. also annoyed at Mark. he get’s to sleep in until 10 AM. I’m up by 5:00 AM – getting ready, shower, dress, read as much of the paper as possible and catch up on tv news. i’m tired of creeping around the basement – tired of being afraid of waking him up….he already snapped at me the other week for being too loud. He values his sleep time, I suppose.
I told him I was annoyed that he get’s to sleep in. He said I should worry about waking up….and then when I do, he’ll snap at me again.
I told him we could get some ear plugs and he said he didn’t want to wear them. So much for my attempt at compromising.
I’m drained….I try to go to bed by 10…..Mark is still up watching TV or reading. Then I wake up and having to be quiet…also drains me. So, by the time I get to the newsroom – I’m still trying to wake-up.