I got my iMac hooked up to my dad’s router. A bunch of my pix from last year are stored on here….I plan on uploading pix from my cross-country trip and my NY adventure to this machine…my shitty laptop only has 300 MB’s available on the hard drive.
Woe is me.
I like this pix of us from Chicago – New Year’s Eve….a few days before I started up my graduate program at Medill.
Back then, the only thing was sure about was my career path – one way or another, I’m going to make it as a news producer. Someday.
At the beginning of my quarter, I wasn’t sure about the whole bonding experience with my classmates…tell you to the truth, I wasn’t even sure about what would happen to my relationship with Mark. We knew we wanted to take a whack at the long-distance relationship – we knew we couldn’t bear breaking up with each other.
And now…after Medill – I came away with some dear friends whom I can bear my heart to. I also came away with some nice bling on my finger…and today, not only am I still chasing after that dream to be a new producer – I’m also taking a whack at the guest list for our wedding.
I suspect I can handle the whole marriage-bit…the wedding planning seems big to me. Maybe too big.But I’m sure we’ll make it through, somehow.
Ray doesn’t like Imac’s, but that is just him. This new page looks good. Take care.