A few nights ago, I had a dream about being in the bay area…
It was at night and I dumped a white bag into the trunk of my black Corolla. The bag had the corpse of a brunette I killed a few minutes before….
Apparently she was homework.
I ended back on campus of a private school. Folks got dressed for our graduation ceremony. We graduated from the first level of field work. I apparently attended an assassin school and folks dressed up in pastel gowns for the ceremony.
I wanted to wear the gown from the Freedom Ball, but I ended up in some pale green dress with straps.
We had a few hours between the ceremony and the reception. I walked down to the lab and spoke with my trainer. He gave me my first assignment for the next level of field work – to dispose of the body. I studied a map of the bay area. I stocked up on gloves and other tools. I got a lab partner to help with the weight of the corpse.
We decided to dump the corpse in an East Bay River….maybe Strawberry Creek. My trainer said I should call the police and leave a nameless tip – since the girl would be missed.
We drove up to the river bank and pulled the white back out. Not too much blood. My trunk still had my black traveling box from DC.
Then my partner and I figured we could call the police from a bridge, further down the river. I claimed we found a body floating by.
I tossed me cell into the river.
We drove back for the reception.