The clash of religious morals and medical duty has been heating up. The Washington Post posted an interesting story on this issue.
I don’t want some doctor or nurse determining my body needs based on whether those needs contradict religious beliefs. However, for folks who need to be reassured they’re doing things the Christian way when it comes to health care, maybe a religious-based clinic is the answer. A place where medical folks can deny treatment based on their morals and patients know exactly what they’re getting into when they sign-up with such a place. As it is now, you can’t tell the difference between a health care professional who’s truly committed to your health and another who’s more interested in imposing his beliefs on patients.
“If your religious orientation is such that you can’t discharge your professional responsibilities, then you shouldn’t take on those responsibilities in the first place,” said Ken Kipnis, a philosophy professor at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.