I slept on my shoulder funny and pulled a muscle on Friday morning. I spent the last three days with a tweaking pain in the shoulder blade and back area. Mark said he could he see a bit bump on my shoulder. It hurt to roll my head, look to the side and carry my purse.
Tonight, my baby helped take the pain away.
Mark massaged my shoulder over and over again. He even tried stepping on it — trying to crack my back. Then he had our 25-lb Daisy walk on my back. Crazy puppy kept trying to lick my nose. After she got off my back, I bent over into Child’s pose. We heard a a loud cracking pop from my back.
Then, relief. A combination of Mark’s hands and Daisy’s paws helped pop my shoulder back in place. A puppy miracle!
Maybe this cocker spaniel therapy is something we could market to health spas. We could train cute doggies to walk on people’s backs and lick their noses. Then again, I suspect the puppies wouldn’t need much training.
Daisy and Mark now visit me at work during my dinner hour. At least once a week. She’s so cute walking around the parking lot. On bad days, she puts a smile on my face. I took her inside for Take Your Dog to Work day.
proof that they are probably the 2 healthiest elements in your life. 🙂