It’s always a treat to visit Susan and Tom in San Francisco. This month, we explored some tasty food and some beautiful heart in Golden Gate Park.
First, we needed some fuel for our museum field trip. Susan picked up bacon donuts. Yum! Sweet, savory and filling.
We tried to visit the newly renovated California Academy of Science on a Sunday afternoon. Turns out to be a popular day for museum visitors. Before we bought tickets, one worker announced there were 5,000 people inside and all shows have been sold out. I didn’t relish the idea of sharing the space with a mob of families and tourists. So we checked out the De Young Museum instead.
It’s been almost a decade since my last visit and I was blown away by all the new upgrades. The De Young is still a beautiful, innovative space for so many different types of art. But now it’s bigger than I remember it.
The museum docents let visitors take pictures of the art without the flash. Yah! The shutterbug in me was quite pleased. I was also enjoyed seeing all the paintings of California landscapes, before modern civilization moved in. Inside the museum shop, I bought a copy of one photograph that caught my eye. It showed the Bay at around sunset, before the Golden Gate Bridge was built. Amazing!
After the De Young, we did dinner at New Eritrea on Irving Street. Sara recommended it and we had a tasty good time with the beef, chicken and lamb served up family style. Of course, it all tasted nice with a glass of Tej (honey wine).
I heart San Francisco and my Bay Area friends!