Right now, I’m savoring the first hours of my weekend. I slept in until 4 A.M. I did some yoga, brewed coffee, caught up with high school friends on Facebook, answered e-mail and caught up on my guilty pleasure.
I feel blessed.
Work moved me off the weekend morning shifts to a Monday thru Friday schedule. I can now enjoy more than 48 hours with my hubby without worrying about getting back to bed for sunset.
This frees me up to hop on a train and meet up with Medill friends in San Francisco on a Friday night. I am thrilled to have my Friday nights free! This new schedule also let’s us spend a lazy afternoon reading and drinking a fine bottle of red wine at the Sunflower Caffe in Sonoma. Today, we’re heading into the Sierra to check out what’s left of the snow with another Medill buddy. And on another weekend, we’ll drive down to So Cal and hang out with my family.
I know I’m lucky to have a journalism job in my home state. I’ve covered plenty of economic stories on who’s not working right now and who’s not making ends meet. My heart goes out to those people and I pray that things will get better.
Finally, a blast from the past. I had a huge crush on Dr. Doogie back in the day. I wanted to keep a journal on our home computer, just like Doogie. In some subconscious way, that urge to keep a diary on a blue screen with white text led me to my blog. Maybe.