I started off Holy Week at St. Dominic’s in San Francisco.
I sat behind a woman who brought her dog to church. The short-haired pooch wore a red jacket. He stayed quiet during Mass.
I sat next to a couple with a little boy. I spotted an extra hymnal near them. They said it was fine for me to use it.
The little boy had more ideas for me.
He had big brown eyes and plumb pale cheeks, rosy from the cold. He waddled up to me and offered up a guide with the new mass parts. I smiled and said no thank you.
Then he offered me his palm branch. I smiled and said no thank you.
After his dad distracted him by folding a palm branch into a cross, the boy was back at my side. This time, he offered up his palm cross. I held it for a bit and then gave it back to him and said thank you.
During the second reading, the boy had a new gift. His mom’s adorable Coach wallet. He also held out her Capital One card and placed it in my lap. I looked at his Dad and said no thank you.
After the choir sang “Holy, Holy,” the little boy threw up in our pew.