yeah! my honey backed up all web pages, images and your precious comments to his laptop hard drive…..and everything’s back to normal…the style sheet looks like crap – but i’m working on it. at least all the brainpickings are there.
at the moment there’s a typekey login for comments – if you don’t have the time/patience/intelligence to sign-up for an account (it’s free to do so) – then you can’t comment on the site….this may change – depending if i decide to pony up the cash for a paid moveabletype installation (or…if there’s some kind cyber soul who wants to help me out with that – you would be too cool for words….I would pay for it myself but Foxton’s in London has not given my deposit back….and i’m dirt poor. Damn Foxton’s… not rent from that agency – they will steal your money).
So…that’s all on typekey.
but yeah…brainpickings is back….along with my chicago photoblog
and eurotrip photoblog….
oh…one more change – brainpickings is now a subdomain of