I covered a press conference the other day…down in the basement of the Capitol.
I got stop at the security checkpoint. Apparently my umbrella looked funny to the security guards.
At the press conference, one lawmaker recalled how he met a Republican from the other side of the aisle. Apparently on Friday – House members are making “skid marks” on the House floor. All are trying to get back home to their families and Congressional districts.
So, this gentleman raced out of the House chamber and slammed the door on the Republican. Blood was shed and the shoe was damaged, but both Congressmen were able to talk about the incident with grins. According to the Republican – he has the best shoe cobbler in his district. He also wore the fixed shoe to the press conference and reminded his collegue that he owed him $2.80 for the repair.
Yes…this is breaking news. You’re excited. I can tell.
What are you talkin’ about? That’s awesome! Broken shoes and spilled blood!