Two weeks left up here…..
I look around my room and I still have too much stuff in there. mark came up with a great idea to scan in all my old papers and notes. i bet i can fit everything onto one CD. still, there’s the rest of my life to evaluate and determine if it’s worth saving…..or easier to throw out.
i do like getting myself organized – i get a nice zen out of clearing off the crap from my desk at work. there’s also a nice satisfaction in packing my stuff up and preparing it to go down into storage. my heart weeps a bit for all the knickknacks I have to throw out – mementos from parties….old negatives…..things I meant to paste into my scrapbook….
I have another two boxes of clothes to donate. I can probably do without the two plus boxes of clothing, that I’ve already packed.
Mark is organizing a going away lunch thing at work….I wonder who would show up? He has been quite helpful with the moving and organzing….a lot of stuff that would have freaked me out by now.
Two weeks left….it feels like things should be different – chaotic – unruly – something a miss…..instead, it’s business as usual, here at work and among my family and friends. maybe folks don’t want me to freak out….maybe folks don’t see my leaving as a big deal…’s a busy time of year….I have at most, two co-workers asking about Chicago….the rest are busy with whatever they’re busy with……it feels like i’m going to be able to slip away from this world without making much of a ripple, anywhere. it’s a bit disheartening. but i’m sure things will feel a bit more upbeat, once I get to Chicago.
so….for now, i can look forward to good times with my friends, next week…..and some new experiences….at the end of this month – when I leave California.