Here’s what’s left of our snowstorm from last week. Some folks at work thought it would be a big deal. We had several school closings to report in the area — but it didn’t last long. I did not enjoy driving on the icy streets….so I took things nice and slow on the side streets. I did not enjoy digging my tires out of the ice. That was also not cool.
I also did not enjoy scrapping ice of my car windows after work. So not cool….but necessary. On my drive home — the eastbound freeway is flooded with sunlight and I can’t see the other cars mergining from the ramp entrance.
This is my fourth winter living outside of California. I’ve survived bitter cold temps in Chicago, DC and here in the Bible Belt. I still don’t understand why people dress like it’s Spring when the weather is something like 30 degrees outside. Last weekend in Kansas City, we found trendy girls dressed in nothing but Uggs, jeans and a sweatshirt. I understand the need to look hip when shopping — but I also don’t want to catch a cold. Maybe I need a few more Midwinters to thicken up my blood. Maybe then I would venture out into 30-degree weather with nothing but a sweatshirt. Then the flying spaghetti monster gives birth to another universe.
Thank heavens our heater works.
In other news…did anyone catch the Cal Basketball game against Kansas State? Crazy game, Go Bears! Plus one Wildcat earned a suspension for clocking the Bears. Dude.