screw Columbia – I just got rejected by them.
and for the rest of my life…
I found out from the gym that this guy has been placed on administrative leave.
I need to call back and to explain some details…which I don’t want to do…but i understand why it’s needed. the gym said it’s most likely he won’t be coming back. i tried to work yesterday, but i couldn’t deal with the demanding customers – i basically started chewing their heads off….i called up the campus counselors for advice and help and they put me contact with my old therapist. at least, for myself, talking to her will flush some ways i can deal with this trauma.
mark, my honey, was very sweet to me yesterday. i said i didn’t feel human and i would give anything to feel beautiful again. he had me dress up and we went out to a lovely restuarant in north beach….like a date. it felt wonderful – talking about movies, books, life, anything. i told him this was the first time i felt like a lady…in the last few days.
so…it’s hard…but i’m not going to let this guy and this horrible act ruin everything i’ve built up for myself.