yeah, i like to pretend my car is a human being…
Queenkv: the gold wing is expensive?
mercury: over 18,000
Queenkv: wow
Queenkv: you could buy a car for that much
mercury: did you catch the honda link?
mercury: you could buy most motorcycles for a third of that
Queenkv: yeah
mercury: the thing has a six cylinder engine, your Corolla has a four cylinder engine….
Queenkv: yeah
Queenkv: will whatever
mercury: most also come with a six speaker stereo system and room for lots of luggage…
mercury: will what?
mercury: almost all cars have a four cylinder….
Queenkv: well whatever
Queenkv: my car is just the cutest thing
mercury: even minivans, etc…
mercury: what I am saying is that four cylinders is standard for most vehicles….
mercury: not to put down your car…
Queenkv: my car doesn’t like to be belittled
Queenkv: i can hear her crying in the parking lot
mercury: huh?
mercury: most trucks have a four cylinder engine as well…