the challenge for today’s photo friday is childhood.
both my parents worked – still do – and they couldn’t be at home with me. so my lola, left her family and everyone she knew in the Philippines for the States- to take care of her son’s first-born daughter. my dad told me she believed that i would need strong legs – so as a baby, she would rub special Chinese oils, all over my limbs…..i suppose it was nice to have that boost, when I competed in figure skating. as a child, i remember watching a tv ad for Rice-a-Roni and i turned down my nose at the plain rice and adobo she would serve for lunch. instead, i wanted butter on my rice – just like the golden grains i saw on TV. so she added a pat of butter onto the cooked rice. yeah, i was a stupid kid. i thought it tasted great.
as a child, i would tell my lola to go outside and take a break. then i would re-arrange all the furniture in the living room. whatever i could push around. i thought it was a clever joke. one day – my lola re-arranged the furniture
before i got to them. then she left for outside, when i asked her to go. then – i procceed to put the clean-up the room and put the furniture back in their orginal positions.