So….Yahoo-Astrocenter told me I should go shopping to make myself feel better…..
A temporary emotional down could have you seeking to lift your own spirits by spending some money. Your taste and aesthetic sense are especially acute at this time, Kris, and you have the energy to go to numerous places until you find exactly what you want. Buy some new clothes, or something to dress up your home. Take care, however, to curb impulse buying. You might find yourself having to take a bunch of things back to the store!
i can get behind this therapy 🙂
it was a damn shitty day…..after my last interview in the afternoon I didn’t speak to another soul until about 11 pm last night. I kept my cell on silent – and ignored my email.
i should have remembered that journalism tends to attract people with a diva complex…..and it was frustrating to be ignored….
today is another day. more research – a little reading…..maybe some shopping 🙂 i’m currently looking for a some nice black slacks that could be paired with anything…
at least it’s 35 degrees now….yesterday went below 20 – or something like that….