i left the web cam on…..the bears checked him out and vice versa….
it’s amazing, the conversations I miss when I step out of the room.
Queenkv: i’m going to head out for a bit
Queenkv: should i keep my camera on?
Queenkv: i should be back in 1/2 hour or so…
Queenkv: what do you think?
mercury: i would like that 🙂
Queenkv: ok
mercury: maybe put one of the bears on
mercury: so we can talk
Queenkv: totally
mercury: i will explain why i am a big bear
mercury: any how things are
Queenkv: oh dear
Queenkv: they’re innocent!
mercury: i know
mercury: they are kids
mercury: whoa
mercury: hi kids!
Queenkv: yah
Queenkv: play nice
Queenkv: ttyl
mercury: ttyl
mercury: tt bears now
Queenkv: i’ll be bacl
mercury: bye! be safe
Queenkv: i will
mercury: hello, animals, thank you for joining me today. Evan, Louie, I trust that you have gotten along well with your new companions.
mercury: Kristina informs me that today is Evans’ first snowfall. Congratulations!
mercury: In the near future, Kristina will be joining me in California. Order.. Order! Now I know, I know, this may be a hardship for some of you, but together, with your combined skills, you will make it through the rough waters ahead. As a family, you have all learned to rely upon each other in the past, and I have faith that you will succeed this time as well. I put my trust in you to watch over Kristina’s belongings and keep her bed warm in anticipation of her return.
mercury: Kristina loves you all very much, and over the years, I have gotten to love you all, too. As much as my own furry animal family.
mercury: I want to let you all know how much I appreciate you keeping Kristina company over the past few months, you have all done a wonderful job!
mercury: give yourselves a pat on the backs
mercury: After August, I will be joining Kristina during her studies. I look forward to joining you all, then. This transimission ends now.
Queenkv: oh my gosh
Queenkv: hahaha
mercury: didja get all that?
Queenkv: hehehe
mercury: 🙂
Queenkv: can i put that on my blog
Queenkv: ?
mercury: certainly!
Queenkv: hahahaha
Queenkv: oh my gosh
Queenkv: that was great!
mercury: 🙂
Queenkv: did give them much of chance for rebuttal
mercury: we had a conference
mercury: they protested your leaving
mercury: hence the “order, order”
Queenkv: hahaha
mercury: lucky animals 🙂