so…it’s 2:55PM in Evanston….12:47PM in California….I am home…it feels great….now I’m starving!
it’s good to be home….I still have a final country report to turn in for my econ class – I figure I can churn that out tomorrow…..I’d rather be in California, with Mark and happy friends and family and working on that paper…..instead of stewing in my dorm room…..waiting to go home….
so yeah. i’m home. in our little house in Richmond… buddies are throwing a bbq later this afternoon….
it feels so good to wake up next to Mark again. it feels great to be in California….the air seems different….I feel more relieved over here….it feels good to be away from the deadlines and the freaked out students. this last week was horrible….the pressure….the re-writes….the final.
screw the final. it’s over…..