i was at the news room until 8 last night – working on my script. we watched part of the opening ceremonies on NBC.
[AP photo]
and the world was worried Athens wouldn’t be ready…overall – I lovely spectacle…when I was younger, I thought I could have marched in the Winter Olympics…back when I thought I had talent.
[Reuters photo]
and yesterday….after whirlwind of interviews and shooting….I found out somebody died in my dorm….on my floor…just a few doors down.
it was freaky and depressing.
I first heard it was murder. That was enough to call Mark and freak out a bit. Hell – we have muggings on our street and last year – somebody was almost raped under the Northwestern sign, on our street. I considered asking another girl in my program if I could crash at her house for the night.
The dorm held a meeting for the residents – I couldn’t make it. In fact, i was telling my cameraman he was my albi – in case the police had to question me. It’s all legit – just coveirng my bases. Another girl in my program went to the meeting and reported back that it was suicide. Apparently, the girl’s aunt was worried. She hasn’t called home in four days. She asked the dorm to check in on her. That’s when they found out. Not sure when she did it – could have been an overdose.
My friend, just down the hall – said she remembers saying hi to the girl on Sunday. She looked fine.
Called my parents. Asked them to pray for me.
Talked to Mark as I lied in bed….I wondered about ghosts. I felt bad about feeling relieved that it wasn’t murder. Then Mark started this creepy whisper on the phone. This was after I asked him about ghosts. I was creeped out and I got off the phone.
Slept fine.
Woke up…started reading some random books….made coffee….a lazy Saturday morning….I’m usually up and at the gym by now….figured I needed to catch up with my reading for my global class….waiting to get my script approved…then I could start editing like a mofo.
Another day. I hope to God that this girl found rest and peace from this world. I hope she’s ok.