just a sample of the stories I reviewed for our year-end project…the nice thing – I didn’t have to review any of the hard news – beheadings, bombings and kids crying because their parents were dead/killed. all feature stories….
- germany: bear club – soooo cute…a bear cub followed a man around, to the tune of a horn tooting…there’s another shot of the bear cub waiting for his milk to be heated up on the stove. As the cub waited, he climbed into a blue bucket and then he fell down….that made me squeal at its cuteness – i think some of co-workers heard me and rolled their eyes….
- usa: i think this is a real sickness in the head…opening shot – a man hobbling down the street on crutches. this man said ever since he was kid, he felt the need to amputate his leg….and a few months before – he got his wish. he said he has never been happier – and this whole losing-his-leg bit was purely at his request – not for anyt other medical reason.
- usa: some folks claim we don’t get enough touching in our adults lives….and that touching doesn’t have to lead to sex – so adults meet up for cuddle parties – lie down on some cushions, relax and wait for some big guy to nuzzle on your neck…..i just had this thought as i watched folks open their arms to each other…..if i ever went to one of these stupid parties – i’m probably the only chick people would avoid – yeah, i bet. just watch – how much do you want to bet
my favorite?
SHIN KICKING competition from the UK – damn hilarious! what are the brits thinking? there’s this annual competition in England where pairs of men lock arms and kick each other’s shins until one of them falls down…all they get for padding is hay….apparently it’s tradition…..i bursted out laughing at this story – it looked like teenage boys who didn’t know how to fight.