huge double-deckbuses….impatient cab drivers and racing motorcycles that come out of nowhere – I used to think I’d have to wait for the little green man flashing, before it was safe to cross Regent Street….or any busy intersection in London….
Now – I simply wait for a break in traffic – and regardless of the green man – I dash across to the other side.
Lately, I feel like I’ve been jaywalking with my residency.
Here, folks seem to think that because I’m young-looking and female – I don’t know much about how computers work. Which is the same shit I used to get from the MBA’s I had to support at work….you know….those self-starting men and women who think dropping 60 grand on their tutition/year – translates into treating you like crap……and out of that population – many of the men feel they should be given domain admin access to our local machines simply because they think they are “power users.” Hell, I remember one chap sauntered into the lab, with his laptop open – searching for our wireless access. I took one look at his machine and told him we don’t support Linux. And then he bent down, like he was imparting a secret, “But I’m a power user.”
Smashing. Then I told him, sweetly, that probably means you could figure out how to configure your laptop for Linux, doesn’t?
So…at my residency….you can learn a lot by simply watching how folks do things….after an hour with their personal app for scripts and logs – I pretty much could navigate through their file structure…..When a producer asked me if I could help out – I say yes…..
Consquences – if my supervisor finds out I’m doing more than twidling my thumbs….somebody could end-up with a lecture or worse. I used to think I would get in trouble….but since last week….that hasn’t been much of an issue. I came over to London with huge expectations – based on the students who went before me…I was ready to dazzle folks with my editing skills. As it turned out….I was a little mislead about what they wanted me to do – beyond twiddling my thumbs….
Oh yeah, and there was this whole expectation of getting paid…..and I have an e-mail to prove that one….but getting paid wasn’t going to happen – I found out in October and my planned budget for London was shot to hell.
So….back to consquences – it dawned on me that it really doesn’t matter if I go against one man’s rules….I’m not learning my twiddling my thumbs….on top of that….I’m not exactly obligated to do what he says. He has know idea what I’m working on….and well….let’s keep it at that. Now, I do editing on the sly. On producer pointed out she could hand over a CIA certificate or an M15 degree- after my experience with editing undercover. It’s funny…and several people find it’s downright stupid….but hey….who cares. My only obligation is to myself and getting the most out of my internship experience – whether that’s traveling or breaking the rules so I can get real hands-on producer experience. The other producers are happy with my work, can’t understand the rule and want to take me out for a drink.
I need to work on my beat report for this experience….apparently Medill will hold up my grade if I don’t turn one in. I have a bit of an outline….so far: housing is expensive….the dollar doesn’t go far out here….and my residency….will that’s still a work in progress.