I wake up at 1 AM to head over to the station at 3 AM. These days, I need that extra hour to take care of business. Typically, I’d be at the stations three hours before the first round of folks show up for the morning show.
Such is life.
Earlier this week, I saw our new billboards for our debut date. Joy! I had Mark take a picture of me with the billboard. I’m such a dork.
This story caught my eye this morning:
Vegas Bound.
Joy! Kansas City International is a good hour away from our home in Topeka. Now I can use our Topeka-based airport to visit Ate Gigi and the rest of my family in Vegas.
This story caught the eyes of other stations in Topeka:
School district to halt intelligent design course.
A fine line in this intelligent design course in Cali….basically a “philosophy” course. And that’s cool forum for this subject…but it stuck with only religious theories and it didn’t offer any scientific ones – according to the wires.
I wonder how students of other faiths would feel in that class? Those who don’t believe in a Christian God or the Bible or that the earth was created in seven days….
I’ve asked posed this question before in private emails(and thanks to Mark for suggesting it): “Do you need to believe in God in order to accept/believe in intelligent design?”