Mark sent me this article about Act 1 & 2 closing down. It’s on Center St…close to Top Dog, a yummy Vietnamese restuarant, yummy burritos, Starbucks and more. It’s closing it’s doors this weekend.
I’m bummed. During my undergraduate years and my time at Haas, I checked out films by myself at this theater. I saw plenty of arty and foreign flicks that other people didn’t want to see. I felt comfortable curling up by myself in one of their comfy theater seats. I didn’t have to worry about cat-calls and rudeness from teenagers who were bored by the next blockbuster hit. When I was upset with people, boyfriends, co-workers, myself, the world – this theater was a sanctuary for me – a place to escape from my problems and get lost in French drama, British slapstick or something otherwordly.
I remember heading down Center street to see East is East. I was upset with something…more unwanted drama from my real life. I ran into a co-worker from the computer lab. When he found out I wasn’t meeting anybody, he felt sorry for me. He said he wasn’t doing anything important and he could watch the film with me. I didn’t want to force him to watch a 2-hour film he hadn’t heard of before…plus, I wasn’t in the mood to be nice and sociable. So I sent him on his way. I didn’t need his pity.
So…good-bye to Act 1 & 2. I’ll miss you.