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Look what Daisy made at day care. She’s so talented! She used pawprints to make the sun and a doggie biscuit for the cow’s body. This work of art is hanging on our fridge.
I don’t have much time to spend on TV with Mark gone…my schedule is pretty discplined. I have to make sure Daisy gets her potty breaks and that she’s dropped off and picked up from day care…plus I need to make sure I get enough sleep during the day time.
So I picked three shows that I make time for – Top Chef on Bravo, Charmed on TNT, the Apprentice on NBC and the Amazing Race on CBS…these shows either have beautiful shots of home or other places I want to visit. The plots may be corny and contestants melodramatic beyond reality – but each show something I want to digest and get lost in…
Charmed – it’s about three witches living in San Francisco. If you can get past the self-righteous attitudes and suspend your disbelief the rhyming spells – you can get some amazing skyline shots of San Francisco – the Golden Gate Bridge, financial district, the Mission and more. With the Smiths blaring in the background – a montage of Bay Area hot spots fly across the screen. It feels like I get a little closer home. It plays in the morning – so that’s like my mimosa to end my working day.
The Apprentice – I also love the look of New York City. The pulse of it – the action. And I also love watching MBA’s get fired….I suppose that’s from back when I used to work at a business school. I’ve observed plenty of business students who would BS their way through presentations, plans and computer troubleshooting. I had one too many customers who claimed they were “power users” in the lab. One even had the nerve to tell one of my workers that he’d end up making three times as much as the student by the time he left. So…it’s a petty pleasure to watch these folks get taken down a couple notches by the Donald. I end up taping this show to watch the next morning after work.
The Amazing Race – I try to convince Mark we’d have a blast on this show with all the traveling. He insists that he’d be too stressed trying to beat the other couples. I love all the different locations these lucky people get to travel to. I imagine how I could have outwitted them on the challenges. I know Mark and I would have a fighting chance…besides – all we had to do was figure out the puzzle, trivia question, etc – and then take a break to enjoy the touristy sights. Good game plan there. I catch this show before our evening cast.
Top Chef – It’s a reality show that pits chefs from around the nation against each other. It’s also set in San Francisco. Their first challenge was to work the line in Fleur de Lys – wowa! And the last challenge had them shopping for ingredients at Berkeley Bowl. Sweet! I love cooking and it’s pleasure to watch these folks concoct yummy-looking dishes. I got hooked on the show since I was also a Project Runway junkie….
And I may be getting into ABC’s The Evidence. At the end of this week’s episode – the detectives drive up to the Bay Bridge and they get a cup of joe at Red’s Java Cafe. It’s a fantastic dive next to the bay with cheap food and greasy counters. Watching them inside Red’s – just hit me up with more homesickness. It seemed like an authentic – SF cop thing to do.
And yes, Daisy likes watching all the shows with me. She ends up hopping into my lap when she hears the theme song for our 10:00 Evening News. And after the first block news finishes up, the commercials run through and when weather goes on – she hops off my lap and heads to the bedroom. This gives me enough time to top off my coffee cup and tuck her into bed for the evening….Cutest dog ever!