I saw this on Digg and I had to watch it for myself.
The Daily Background » Blog Archive » Video- “The Viewâ€? co-host doesn’t know if the world is round or flat. Good grief — I understand the need to take care of your children, but to use it as an excuse for ignorance? I’d be worried about how her children are doing in their science classes.
The next day…she tries to explain herself.
When I open your blog, I just went direct to the video without reading your comments.
I noticed right away that the co-host did not know whether the world is round or not. I was laughing and was so surprised…
Especially now a days, you could see pictures of the world everywhere and they’re round, just watch the weather report and you see the world is round, you could even see astronaut looking at the round world when they walk in the space……
I don’t think you need a knowledge in science to know this. Just look around or watch TV and you’ll figure out that world is round. I’m sure she watches “As the world turns”, well alright… a flat object can also turn.
I’m glad she corrected herself.