Sometimes people’s dysfunctions end up on live TV. A NYC Anchor gets into a verbal tussle with his live reporter and it’s all caught on tape. Andrea e-mailed this link out to the live shot on glumber. I also watched a clip on the Soup earlier this week.
There were points during the anchor/reporter Q/A when I started feeling uncomfortable watching the exchange…It’s like walking into a closed door meeting. Or something.
WOWeeee! That was painful to watch. I can only imagine the conversation afterwards, off air. If they can go at each other on air like that, what do they say in private?
It’s like they forgot they were on live TV when they got into that last verbal tussle. Maybe they were both having a bad day.
that was FUNNY! Nothing is entertaining like unscripted live awkwardness .. I wonder if they got called into their boss’s office afterwards for a ‘wtf was that?’ dressing-down.
Also, b/c I’m too lazy to leave two comments … that top ten list kinda sucked. But that’s typical for Letterman.