It hurts to laugh.
My core muscles are so sore from last night’s yoga class in Davis.
I also used those muscles to keep me upright on my double-toe jumps during this morning’s freestyle session at Vacaville Ice Sports. I’ve been off the ice for 4 months and it’s nice to know that I can still skate. I’d like to make these freestyle sessions a weekly thing, as long as I’m not too busy with work.
Good times.
Here’s a shot of me inside the control booth. I just finished up producing one of our weekend morning shows. It was a good day, with a live shot from the Capital Air Show, plus live pictures of racers at a St. Patty-themed marathon.
I’m still having a crazy, stressful good time inside the newsroom. I think I’m getting the hang of covering shows for other producers and I think my co-workers are starting to trust me. Every now and then, there are work moments that rattle my core. On that day of the Capital Air Show, we also had a story about a missing 2-year-old boy. Search teams found his dead body the day before. We covered it in our morning show along with the other news of the day. After work, I went to church. When the reader asked the congregation to pray for those who were no longer with us, I thought of my Lola and Rafael. Then it hit me. I had to pray for that little boy and his family. Those prayers made me tear-up a bit in the middle of mass.
There are happy stories as well. After working these crazy morning show hours, I love eating bbq and grilled food for breakfast. For St. Patty’s, the folks from Woodbridge whipped up wood-fired corned beef and some Irish-inspired veggie trimmings. Out on the patio, I had two servings of this tasty meat treat before heading back into the newsroom. I’ll have to squeeze in more yoga classes and skating sessions if I keep eating like this.
For the good and bad times at work, I balance it all out with my hubby, puppy, friends, food and exercise.
As long as I can keep work at work plus find ways to enjoy myself outside of the newsroom, I think I can handle anything the newsroom throws at me.