- Type, check & hit send. A new chapter in my life starts today. #
- @chewyfally No! No Rick Rolling! He's "Not" David Caruso! You should have seen his badge and Miami PD ID. in reply to chewyfally #
- @suzannephan Wedding in Mumbai! Once-in-a-lifetime experience for your friends who are tying the knot! in reply to suzannephan #
- @ColeDavid Enjoyed the Syrah. Bold & a bit spicy! in reply to ColeDavid #
- DREAMY! @StephenAtHome "I shaved my entire body so I was more aerodynamic for my report on speed skating." #
- Cat out of the bag. My co-workers have been so sweet. I'll miss them. #
- Too close too home! RT @cbs2kcal9brk A fire with multiple start points has erupted in the Diamond Bar near the 60 and 57 freeways. #
- RT @kcranews: Lisa Ling To Tour Ex-Tent City: Journalist Lisa Ling will tour a former homeless camping ground in Sac http://bit.ly/2A2iLg #
- Toepick in SJ! RT @nbcbayareacom: San Jose Wins Skating Bid: San Jose will host the 2012 US Skating Championships. http://bit.ly/2PLVaV #
- @track13 Soon. Details soon. A few more phone calls. in reply to track13 #
- Can't wait to taste this! RT @RickBakas: Last truckload of Merlot grapes for #harvest09. Here's a quick vid http://bit.ly/20xLtA #
- @nataliedaily For coffee – I can do a 24-hour Starbucks Cafe. As for chicken strips: 24-hour Burger King. For both: try a 24-hour Denny's in reply to nataliedaily #
- @jov8 Love your YouTube videos – mind if I post them to Facebook? http://bit.ly/2VnO3 #
- @SuzHOPkins I loved seeing Google with Big Bird legs in reply to SuzHOPkins #
- The perfect glass for my Cosmo #fb http://flic.kr/p/7dp35F #
- Sometimes I feel like this in the newsroom: small, bright-eyed & bushy-tailed. How do you feel at work? #fb http://flic.kr/p/7bMauD #
- @brittneyg Why not? Why can't they be together? in reply to brittneyg #
- @sherylct I ran a story on the New Moon clothing line and thought of you. Also can't believe my mom is reading Twilight in reply to sherylct #
- http://twitpic.com/oiq6q – Fried green tomatoes at the Shady Lady in Sacramento #fb #
- http://twitpic.com/ol74g – Albany Bowl for Wooby's Bday. Just thre a strike! #fb #
- @FilipinoFood Tripe? Looks good! in reply to FilipinoFood #
- @kris10marshall I heard Saget has a bit of a potty mouth for his stand-up gigs. Does he? in reply to kris10marshall #
- Mussels & Beer at the Shady Lady. Thanks @suzannephan for showing me this cool ba http://flic.kr/p/7dR81q #
- @lori_deschene Yes! I'm tickled by this old video of me: http://bit.ly/3DEv2q Good times in reply to lori_deschene #
- Cheers and congrats to one of my fav Sac Town reporters! RT @suzannephan: Growing,evolving, reinventing after a layoff.http://bit.ly/QWxbe #
- http://twitpic.com/onfsz – Chicken Fried Bacon at T-Rex in Berkeley Fatty goodness! #fb #
- http://twitpic.com/oouu4 – Spareribs from T-Rex in Berkeley #
- http://twitpic.com/ooz9h – Celebrating Wooby's Bday at Albany Bowl #fb #
- @chewyfally Happy Birthday! in reply to chewyfally #
- Beautiful thought: RT @GusShultz: Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. Buddha #
- @umami88 I heart chorizo. Sounds like a hearty, rich lunch in reply to umami88 #
- OMG! Shatner returns to Trek? RT @waybis: William Shatner in Star Trek 2? Says It's Up to JJ Abrams http://bit.ly/2In6J2 #
- Facebook just blocked my video upload 🙁 This is the first time I've seen a notice about copyright infringement on background music. Grr #fb #
- @chewyfally You should use this invite for your 25th wedding anniversary. Or something. http://bit.ly/2D3jiU in reply to chewyfally #
- http://twitpic.com/otnx1 – Beer Garden at Triple Rock in Berkeley. Bug Juice & Gold Fish #fb #
- Making my mouth water! RT @offalchris: Lamb breast, celery root, broccoli di ciccio & mint anchovy salsa http://yfrog.com/10zk3j #
- @cjessee2 I wonder what's happening with Peggy & Duck on Mad Me. Bizarre hookup! in reply to cjessee2 #
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