Mobile Me.
I was so happy to add this sexy machine to my collection of tech toys.
Bigger, faster and so slick.
Even though I jump on the upgrade wagon when it comes to my computers, I still want to hail anybody who’s willing to rock Windows 95 in a public space.
Agents for Impov Everywhere boggled minds when they carted in huge desktop monitors and towers into an NYC Starbucks. It looks like a one day deal. In my new role as a “woman of leisure,” I would love to do something like this in the Bay Area.
Almost a decade ago, Mark introduced me to some folks who pulled off similar public performance stunts. They organized a thrift store scavenger hunt in the Mission. That was also our first date. We met artists, programmers freelance writers and photographers and others who wanted a break from the rules and expectations of everyday life. The organized some lovely adult outings in the Bay Area. The legal ones included brunch at a Thai Buddhist Temple and a hiking tour of some of San Francisco’s free gardens, hidden in the hilly neighborhoods. One of the illegal outings ended with an angry train operation who yelled about calling the police.
Good times.
I suppose I express my creative side on this blog as well as in photos and video. It keeps me out of jail and it helps me remember those crazy good times.