My entry for today’s Photo Friday Theme: “Bed Time.”
Check out my puppy – up way past her bed time on the first day of 2010.
My Daisy was trying to be a good host….waiting for us to finish playing Chinese Checkers with our friends. We were up past 2 AM – moving the pastel-colored marbles to the other side of the board.
Last month, I couldn’t imagine being able to stay-up that late. Last year – My bed time was around sundown. I started reading AP headlines, searching for AP video and listening to police chases on the scanner at around 2 AM inside the newsroom.
Now, I’m falling asleep with my hubby and puppy.
But I’m still waking up before dawn. Today – I woke up around 4 AM with too many thoughts rattling around my head. It didn’t seem right to be lounging about in bed when I could be doing something productive.
I kept paraphrasing a line from Glengarry Glen Ross: “Sleep is for closers.”
What is wrong with me?
I couldn’t answer that question. Instead – I turned on a light in the living room and wrapped myself up in my snuggie. I started reading the fourth chapter of “Wild Sheep Chase.”
I finished up the chapter.
I closed the book.
ABC – Always Be Closing