I’m annoyed at people’s definition of “deadline.”
It does not mean – “I’ll finish it tomorrow” – when I asked for your story last week.
It does not mean – “Look, you’ll have it tomorrow” – when I asked for your story last week. And, might I add, you snapped at me as if I should be ashamed for doing my job and trying to figure when you want to fill that hole in my show. Apparently that’s not a priority for you.
It does not mean – “Well, I can work on it tomorrow” – when the deadline for your story was last Friday.
Main Entry: dead·line
Pronunciation: -“lIn
Function: noun
1 : a line drawn within or around a prison that a prisoner passes at the risk of being shot
2 a : a date or time before which something must be done b : the time after which copy is not accepted for a particular issue of a publication
(from m-w.com)
Your definition of “deadline” is bullshit….and I’m forced to put up with it.
So…if this reporter doesn’t get his act together – he’s going to have problems explaining his concept of a deadline to his next producer….and the next time – it won’t be his grade – but his job.
I’m actually kinda of sick at this laissez-faire attitude people are taking with this program I’m supposedly producing.
Most folks have been super-supportive of this project.
Then I wonder about other folks who can’t seem to see beyond their own allegedly busy lives.
Sure – your week is packed with beat reporting.
Fine – you have another academic obligation to fullfill.
So do the rest of the students in this bureau. So do I…..and we managed to finish our packages during the REAL deadline…not on the BS theory of deadline, this guy is running on.
Apparently, copying your packages to the class dub tape – for credit (and can be done AT ANY TIME)…takes precedence over finishing the script and editing of your package that was due last Friday.
Why work on that dub tape? So that we won’t miss out on another episode of “watch-me TV”? So that on Friday – we’ll be treated to a healthy dose of old news – with your precious voice and precious stage presence. Yes, thank you for working on that….the dub tape is paramount to proving you actually do work in this class…instead of web surfing for the next fad in God knows what.