Back in front of my iMac…going through my to-do lists – compiled over the last few days – a mix of things to follow-up on – from my job search to my wedding madness.
Poor Mark – he takes the blunt edge of my frustrations. He wants me to find a job – wherever – now. So, that changes my search parameters – by a lot.
I still have the un-employed blues…but I’m working on it.
We took my mom and my ninang to Bucca Di Beppo’s for Mother’s Day. Our party of 9 had a pitiful time chowing through 3 large plates of pasta. We did great on the Linguni Frutti de Marre…but left a bunch of noodles on the other two plates. Despite our bulging tummies – we still scooped up a serving of the garlic mashed potatoes. Too yummy – and yesterday – Bucca served as lunch and dinner.
Last Friday – Mark played hooky from work…’cause everyone else was doing it. We drove down to Fashion Island for some window shopping and lunch. We stopped by a pet store and lusted after the puppies….damn, I was tempted to get my mom a cute little weiner dog for Mother’s Day. On my card – I wrote: “Hey mom, I’ll get you a cat when you retire.” When she read it at Bucca – she looked at me and said: “I’m not retiring.”
It’s not that she doesn’t like pets or animals…she doesn’t like feeding them and cleaning up after them.
A loud mouth in the backseat of an SUV passed us in the parking lot.
“Do me baby! Do me now! Do me hard!” he yelled at Mark. Unfortunately – the jackass was in a car going about 40 mph – so I was unable to defend Mark’s honor.